Photography Tips on How to Take a Photo of a Landscape

The perfect photo not only depends on the equipment but also depends on the photo editor. We click photos to capture a moment in time and remember that moment later on. So capturing the perfect photo can make that memory even more special. Taking landscape takes patience, practice and dedication. So keep reading as I give you some tips to become a better landscape photographer.
1.    Location is key- Plan your location before you start clicking photos. You would not want unwanted objects in your background or have a dirty background that would make your photo look bad. Get inspired by the world around you and have a great idea of where you would like to take your photos. Planning your location also gives you an idea about what time the photo will come out perfect.

2.    Be patient and practice- You have to remember that the perfect photo takes patience and it’s never a one take and done. Great landscape photos take time. Take time and learn by taking multiple photos before you get the right one. Another reason to be patient is to be aware of your surroundings sometimes you have to wait for your surroundings to be perfect. For example- clouds in the sky are blocking the shot you want so you wait for the clouds to move and take the shot.
3.    Use the golden ratio- The people who are aware of the golden ration know that the golden ratio is found everywhere in nature. Images that follow the rule of the golden ratio look more pleasing and are beautiful. The golden ration is actually a camera function on some cameras. You can also modify you clicked photos while editing to follow the golden ratio.

4.    Lighting makes your photo look aesthetic-Lighting is one the most important factors to a great photo. This factor is true also for landscape photography.  Even when you choose the perfect location if the lighting is not good enough your photos will look bad. Anyone can take a landscape photos on any lighting but the most jaw dropping and eye catching photos are clicked by people who have proper knowledge about lighting.
5.    Buy a tripod-Buying a tripod might be the best thing for your photography. A tripod is an essential when it comes to landscape photography. It helps reduce camera shake and eliminates noise. With a tripod you can also use slow shutter speed to get long exposure photo.
6.    Good enough is not good-Often times I have seen people rushing in to take a photo and they click a mediocre photo and say it’s good enough. But in reality that photo is not good at all. Because it does not have that AWW feeling in it. There is always room for you to improve your photo. Never settle for good enough keep practicing and get the perfect photo that you can be proud to show.
7.    Editing to perfection-Using Photoshop on your photos is nothing to be ashamed of. A good editor can take a raw photo no matter how good it is to the next level. There is much software nowadays that can help you edit your landscape photo over the top.

Finally let’s say that practice makes perfect. You can never be a good photographer in one day. You need to have patience and click lots of photos to get better at it. That’s how you will be able to be a good landscape photographer.


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